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Projects, projects, and more projects...

Anything man made has a lifespan and a house is no exception to this rule. This page aims to communicate some of these issues and the efforts being made to cancel them out with repairs, updates, and stuff like that. There are three levels of projects: Upcoming, Current, and Past. Upcoming projects show the plans being made for modifications to the house and have not quite hit the launching pad. On the other hand, Current projects show what is active and in the process of being completed. Lastly, Past projects show the updates that have been made throughout the recent years to communicate to alumni and encourage more projects to get funded and launched.  

Current Projects

OHM First Floor Bathroom Plan

First floor bathroom plan provided by OHM. 

OHM Render of Bathroom Project

Render provided by OHM based on materials selected.

Bathroom Project Finish Choiches

List of bathroom finishes selected

Bathroom Updates

In Fundraising Stage!!
Goal:      $200,000
Raised:   $40,000

The biggest eyesore in the house today is hands down the bathrooms! They are simply falling apart and have become an embarrassment to the actives, our guests and especially new perspective member that are so important to attract to sustain our fraternity’s future now more than ever. The bathrooms were constructed in 1974 when the current house was rebuilt after the Wooster house burned down.

It is the committees vision to gut the bathrooms and start over by reimaging how they are laid out and optimize their function and appeal.

We have worked with OHM Advisors a multi-state company specializing in architecture, engineering, planning, and construction engineering. With them we have developed designs and cost estimates for us to rally our alumni’s support around.

As stated all of this work will require financial support from are alumni and we would like to concentrate on the bathroom project at this time. Please follow along with our progress in future newsletters and give generously to support are continued efforts to rebuild the house in to something we can all be proud of.As stated all of this work will require financial support from are alumni and we would like to concentrate on the bathroom project at this time. Please follow along with our progress in future newsletters and give generously to support are continued efforts to rebuild the house in to something we can all be proud of.

OHM Second Floor Bathroom Plan

Second floor bathroom plan provided by OHM. 

OHM Render of Bathroom Project

Render provided by OHM based on materials selected.

Projected Bathroom Project Cost

Projected cost of project from OHM.

Optmized Bathroom Project Cost

Savings possible through Active demolition and donation of materials by alumni.

Backyard Drainage

In Planning Stages

When the new gravel lot was installed the house began experiencing issues with flooding during major rainfalls.

This water drains from the lot, through the volleyball court, and across the walking trail which washes it out.

Under the direction of House and Grounds committee member Thomas Narva (AKA Nubba).  The plan is in September Nubba will work with the active members to re-grade the yard to add a swale to redirect this runoff towards the culvert.  This should be accomplished for under $500.

Example of spring melt flooding through yard

The above picture is an example of how the water drains across the yard, volleyball court, then lastly across the walking trail causing it to wash out.

Sigma Rho Website

In Planning Stages

The Organization decided that it was time to update our website.  The original website was designed and put together by our Alumi and it was a place for members to share photos, have discussions in the forum, and keep in contact with other members.

The goal of the new website was to offer all the functionality of the old, but in a newer design.

Sigma Rho Website Project

Projects in Planning

Sigma Rho new driveway project phase A

We have received a project planning quote to do phase A and are looking to raise $60,000. This is essentially paving the Pole barn parking lot and tying it into the existing driveway.

Parking Lot Redesign

In Planning Stages

The House  and Grounds Committee has established and investigated a new proposal to redo the driveway of the house. Rather than replace the existing driveway the intent is to pave the gravel parking lot, remove the existing driveway and replace it with a true front lawn with a grand walk up to the front doors and impressive maintenance free landscaping.

Sigma Rho new driveway project phase B

The H&G Committee will work on phase B quotes next year which essentially includes the removal of the existing driveway, grading and landscaping of a new front lawn and hardscaping of sidewalks, light posts, garden boxes and benches.

Completed Projects

Before extension

Pole Barn before roof extension with proposed measurements
Pole Barn before roof extension with proposed measurements

Pole Barn Roof Extension

Completed Spring 2023

An addition to the pole barn was proposed and funded by Thomas Narva to construct an overhand above the side door to allow for any snow and ice melting to fall further away from the entrance to lower the risk of someone getting hit from falling snow or ice.

The concrete slab at the front entrance to the polebarn was also extended around to the side door.

The project was completed in Spring 2023 by DP Construction.

After extension

Pole barn after the roof extension was added
Roof Extension Slab Pour

Upstairs hallway before

Upstairs hallway ceiling damage

Upstairs Hallway after

Replaced Hallway Drywall Complete

Ceiling Drywall Repair

Completed Fall 2021

Both the Kitchen and Upstairs Hallway ceiling had a sheet of drywall come loose and began to crack and sag.

In Fall 2021 the incorporate board was able to fund DP construction? to come and fix the issues.

Pictured left to right: Kitchen ceiling before repairs, kitchen ceiling after repairs, Upstairs hallway before, upstairs hallway after repairs.

Kitchen before

Kitchen ceiling drywall damage

Kitchen after

Repaired Kitchen Ceiling Drywall Complete

Chimney before

Chapter room chimney before repairs started

Chimney Repairs

Completed Summer 2021

In 2021 our Alumni Bob Bartosh realized the need and generously funded the project, as well as worked with the masons who did the work.

Pictured left: Chimney before repairs

Pictured right: Chimney after repairs

Chimney After

Chapter room chimney after repairs were completed

Backyard Sinkholes

Completed Summer 2018

There are drainage pipes from US41 that run through the property to the culvert in the backyard.

Over time, the joints where they connected broke down and caused sinkholes near the volleyball court and the patio.

In summer 2018 these were replaced with concrete connnectors to resolve the issue.

Repairs to drainage in yard to resolve sinkhole issues

Front Yard Sign

Completed Summer 2018

Our Alumni generously designed, and funded our new sign visible from US Highway 41. The fundraising and coordination was all thanks to brother Pete Smith.

This replaced the original wooden sign that was moved to the walking trail behind the house.

The new sign names all the members who helped make this project happen, and is lit through the night so no matter when driving by you'll be able to see it.

New Sigma Rho sign on US-41 outside the Chapter House
Front view of the new pole barn completed in Summer of 2016

New Polebarn

Completed Summer 2016

The new pole barn was built in the summer of 2016 to replace the original Worcester House Carriage House which was falling apart.

This new pole barn was designed and built by DP Construction and offers the active membership more storage space while living in the house, an area to work on their vehicles during the winter months, and a larger parking area with the addition of a new gravel lot between it and the chapter house.

Rear view of the new pole barn completed in Summer of 2016

New Patio

Completed Summer 2016

The Patio at the Sigma Rho house was in need of repair, and one man took it upon himself to make it happen.

This project was initiated by Bill Dore #1350 and entirely funded by Alumni and Active members outside of the Incorporate board who generously contributed to make this happen.

New patio installed summer 2016

Information on how to donate

OPTION #1 - Donate by check via mail

If you're a bit old fashioned and don't really care to put information out there in the wide open web, then you can simply send in a check! Make the check out to "Sigma Rho Incorporate" and then send it the PO box below. Also, write on the check where you want the funds to go.

Sigma Rho, Inc.

PO Box 155

Houghton, MI 49931

OPTION #2 - Donate via our PayPal account

This option allows you to set up a donation using the organizations PayPal account. You can choose to donate through a PayPal account of your own or you can simply select to donate via credit/debit card. Once selected, make sure to write in a note specifying where you would like to designate the funds.

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©2020 by Sigma Rho Fraternity: Alpha Chapter

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